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Who Needs
Liposuction Surgery?

First of all, a good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. It should not be forgotten that liposuction surgery is not a weight loss, but a regional thinning and body shaping method. The person who decides on this operation should be aware of this. Liposuction is a systemic health problem solution that can be applied to anyone who is not pregnant or given new birth. Before the procedure, the risk factors should be examined thoroughly and the patient should not have any risks against the procedure. 

Liposuction at a glance

Procedure: Liposuction

Duration: 2-4 hour

Stay: 2-3 days hospital 4-5s day hotel

Anesthesia: General

Recovery: 7 daysScar: 1 mm holes

Results: final result 3 month or 6 year

Before Operation

  • First, the patient and the doctor should come together and explain the expectations.
  • As the doctor informs the patient, the patient should also inform the doctor about the medicines that the patient uses.
  • Smokers may have some side effects during surgery. Therefore, smokers should stop smoking before the operation.
  • Finally, necessary tests are performed and evaluated before surgery. 

Before & After

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I had a combined liposuction&abdominoplasty surgery two weeks ago,which was performed successfully. Now, after two weeks of my surgery, i am able to get back to my daily life easily. I have a great result and it is really beyond my expectations. Thank you doctor, thank you great equip

Liposuction - Review

How is Done?

Liposuction application is made by removing the excess fat tissue under the skin by using a thin metal cannula and removing it from small holes. For this process, 3-5 mm incisions made from the appropriate points on the skin are used. The amount of fat to be taken from the region and the appropriate cannula should be selected. 

The cannulas used for this procedure are 2-5 mm in diameter and 10-45 cm in length. Before the process, a specially prepared liquid is given to the area to be taken. The purpose of this fluid is to loosen the connective tissues between the fats in that area and to facilitate the procedure. Classical liposuction cannulas are used in these methods and are called a classical method. 

There is another method used in addition to this method. Vaser liposuction, this method has two purposes. The first is to break down the connective tissues between the fat tissues and facilitate the process. But the second most important reason is that during the liposuction process, the collagen under the fat tissue is heated to a certain extent. 

Recovery of Breast Reduction Surgery

It should not be forgotten that having this application does not mean that you will not gain weight again. In order not to gain weight again, it is very important to give importance to lifestyle, diet, and exercise after the operation. If there is often a case of weight gain, it will not be possible to achieve success. 

If skin sagging is present in addition to local fat excesses, existing sagging cannot recover. Abdominal wall sagging in women who have a delivery cannot be removed by liposuction. Besides, this application does not provide to get rid of cellulite. 

After Operation

After the operation, the corset should be used during the recovery time recommended by the doctor. These corsets prevent the bleeding in the liposuction area thanks to the elastic compression they provide. They also prevent blood, hematoma and seroma accumulation. 

It is inevitable that there will be some edema and bruises in and around the liposuction. They regress considerably within 6-8 weeks. After the operation, the procedure of the treated area is about 8 weeks and the traces of the surgery are corrected for up to 6 months. 

Patients who have undergone liposuction surgery usually have a standing period of 4-6 hours. If they are in stable condition, they can be stand up and walk around in the clinic. After the operation, the patient can immediately return to social life. It will be enough to stay in the hospital one night after the surgery. 


How much does liposuction cost in Turkey?

Liposuction in Turkey is a popular procedure used by both men and women who are struggling to lose the last few stubborn pockets of fat. The costs of liposuction in Turkey are attractive when compared with UK prices.

Is Liposuction Safe?

The procedure has the same risks as any other operation. However, every precaution and planning is made before the operation and patients do not need to worry about the risks.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

With liposuction, only a certain amount of fat tissue can be removed. However, with tummy tuck more fat tissue can be removed along with excessively saggy skin.

Is there any limitation to contour or shape the areas of the body?

As tecnology develops, desires are more able to be accomplished. There is almost no limitation for surgeons to shape and contour. All the areas of fat of the body such as belly, love handles, back, arms, legs, jowl, buffalo humps can be shaped easily.

What are the options that shape the areas of the body?

There are multiple surgical procedures, one of them is liposuction, also known as Fat Removal. Fat removal is a surgical procedure via which the person can achieve his/her dreamed body by getting rid of the excess fat. Fat removal is generally performed while the patient is under general anesthetics. General anesthetics are more preferred by surgeons because general anesthetics are more comfortable for the patients for the long-term recovery process. Not only general anesthetics provide a comfortable surgical procedure for the patient but the surgeons as well.

Why is compression garment necessary?

Compression garment enables the patient to preserve the shaped body after the surgical procedure. Also, the compression garment supports each area of the body and circulation system as well. The patients feel more comfortable while wearing the compression garment. Furthermore, the garment makes the patient feel secure.

Before the surgical procedure of fat removal, what should patients do?

The patients should have enough information about the surgical procedure such as general anesthetics, the long-term recovery process, treatment plan, possibility of local anesthetics.

The patient needs consultation with the surgeon to be able to determine the treatment plan. The treatment plan should include all the answers to the whole process. Here are some guiding questions for the patients in order to get enough information about the surgical procedure and long-term recovery process.

Which areas of the body the patient needs liposuction?

In order to determine the areas of the body that includes excess fat, the patient should have a consultation with the surgeon and consult the Professional opinions of the surgeon. Having a physical examination will also demonstrate the treatment plan individually.

All areas of the body may include excess fat. Despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, sometimes people can not get rid of the excess fat around the specific areas of the body. On one hand, accumulated fat may be on a small area of the body such as jowl, buffalo humps, or breasts for men. On the other hand, this stubborn fat may accumulate around bigger areas of the body such as the abdomen, legs, arms, or hips.

For how long the patient wears the compression garment?

The compression garment should be worn as much as possible. Although, before the surgical procedure the garment is thought to be uncomfortable, by the time the compression garment becomes a supporting item for the patients. The compression garment is not only a supporting item for shaped areas of the body but also a supporting item emotionally.

Why should the patient follow a healthy diet after the surgical procedure?

After the surgical procedure of fat removal, a healthy diet is key. A healthy diet including a lot of water is always crucial however it becomes a must after the surgical procedure. The patients have edema, which is the medical term for swelling, after the surgical procedure. In order to get rid of the edema, the patient is required to follow a diet that is fiber-rich and balanced. The more the patients follow a diet which includes vegetables, proteins, fruits, vitamin and minerals, the shorter is the recovery process.

How do a healthy diet and exercise affect the long-recovery process?

The very next day of the surgical procedure, the patients should try to stand up and walk slowly. Walking slowly should not discourage the patient, it is very normal to have a little bit of difficulty in walking. It is a part of the healing process. The more the patient tries to stay active, the easier it is to get back to daily life. Staying active and doing exercises regularly not only enables the patient to get back to Daily life easily but also enables to get rid of the edema. The edema hides the real result after the surgical procedure. The real result becomes obvious day by day, by getting rid of the edema.

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